Week Ahead 03-02-25

Here’s your weekly guide for what’s on this coming week
A quick reminder - EYFS is nursery and reception, KS1 is year 1 and 2, KS2 is years 3,4,5 & 6 Children in Birch class can join their mainstream class for PE lessons, so please send them in their PE kit on their year group’s day. Baby Birch will do outdoor activities on a Monday afternoon
Children’s Mental Health Week
Monday 3rd February
Community shop open 8:30-9am
Year 5 PE - please wear PE kit to school
Bruno our therapy dog visiting 1:30-2:30pm
Community library open 3-4pm
Community shop open 3-3:45pm
Tuesday 4th February
Violin lessons for year 4 9-10am
Piano lessons all morning
Gym Juniors session - Year 3 & 4. Please wear PE kit to school.
Year 6 PE -please wear PE kit to school.
Year 6 booster club
Wednesday 5th February
Community shop open 8:30-9am
F2 weight, height, visual and audio check 9-12am
Karate for years 2,4,6 and Birch. Wear uniform.
Community shop open 3-3:45pm
Thursday 6th February
Time To Talk Day - activities throughout the day
Piano lessons all day
Rocksteady practice 1-3pm
EYFS stay and play 2:30pm
Year 1 & 2 PE - please wear PE kit to school.
Friday 7th February
Wear your scarf day - come to school wearing a scarf
NSPCC numbers day - number activities throughout the day.
Spelling Bee trip to Manchester
Community shop open 8:30-9am
Piano lessons all morning
Singing assembly 11-11:30am
F2 PE - please wear PE kit to school
Trampolining reward trip 12:30-2:30pm
Community shop open 3-3:45pm