Admissions Policy 23-24
Admissions Policy
Co-op Academy Woodslee
Policy details
- Date created - 24.09.21
- Date reviewed - 30.9.23
- Date approved -
- Next review date - 30.9.24
- Policy owner - Katy Bergman
The Admissions Policy for Co-op Academy Woodslee is based on approved admission criteria for Community Schools written by the Local Education Authority.
To apply for a place, please visit Wirral School Admissions here (paper copies are available from the school office).
Where the number of preferences exceeds the number of places available, priority will be given to children in the following categories:
1. Children who are looked after (in care), and children who were looked after but have been adopted or are subject to a residency order or special guardianship order (previously in care).
2. Parents of children who live ‘in zone’ and already have older brothers or sisters at the school living in the same household at the time of the start date. If there are more children with older brothers or sisters at the same school than there are places available, we will give priority to children with the youngest brothers or sisters at the school. Where there is more than one child with a sibling in the same year group, priority will be given to those children who live nearest to the school.
3. Parents of pupils who live ‘in the zone’ and have a valid medical reason. You must give details on the preference form and this may be checked by a medical officer of the health authority. A letter in support from a senior health care professional will be required as evidence, which must make clear why only this school is appropriate for your child’s medical needs.
4. Parents of pupils who live ‘in zone’ and nearest to the school. We measure distances from home to the school gate nearest to the child’s home using the shortest road route, unless it is possible to use a footbath which we consider to be a safe walking route.
5. If children do not live in the school’s catchment area, and if places remain available, places will be allocated in accordance with the following criteria:
a) To children who already have older brothers or sisters at the school when they are due to start and living in the same household. If there are more children with older brothers or sisters at the school than there are places available, we will give priority to children with the youngest brothers or sisters at the school. Where there is more than one child with a sibling in the same year group, priority will be given to those children who live nearest to the school.
b) To children who have valid medical reasons for going to the school. You must give details on the preference form and this may be checked by a medical officer of the health authority. A letter in support from a senior health care professional will be required as evidence, which must make it clear why only this school is appropriate for your child’s medical needs.
c) To pupils who live nearest to the school. We measure distances from home to the school gate nearest to the child’s home using the shortest road route, unless it is possible to use a footpath which we consider to be a safe walking route. Applications from separated parents. Only one application can be processed for each child; therefore, both parties in shared custody arrangements must be in agreement over the preferred school(s) named. Where a child spends equal time with both parents, the child’s main residence should be submitted as their home address. If agreement cannot be reached, or neither parent has been granted a Specific Issues Order in this respect, then the application will be accepted from the parent with whom the child is ‘ordinarily resident’. This is defined as the address at which the child lives for the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday). Proof of address and residence arrangements will be required with the application or may be requested. Changes of address. Parents and carers must inform the Council immediately in writing of a change of address, even if the details of a future change of residency were included on the application form. The Council will require supporting evidence to show that the place of residency has changed; e.g. a letter from the solicitor confirming the completion date; a signed rental agreement showing the start of the tenancy and its duration. In addition, further information may be requested – for example, copies of council tax and utility bills or any other information considered relevant to the application including evidence of disposal of previous property.
Deferred entry
Parents can request deferred entry or part-time attendance up until their child reaches compulsory school age (the term following their 5th birthday). The request must be put in writing to the Local Authority. Parents should note that if a summer born child delays entry to the September after their 5th birthday, the child will ordinarily be expected to enter Year 1, not Reception (Foundation Stage 2). Parents intending to request their child enter Reception rather than Year 1 are advised to apply and to contact Wirral Council to discuss actions.
Applying for a place
Parents must return online or paper forms to the Children And Young People’s Department by 15 January to ensure the allocation of a school place on 16 April or next working day. Applications received after the published deadline of 15 January will be dealt with once the offer of places has been sent to parents on 16 April.
Late applications
If places remain, places will then be allocated to late applicants up to the school’s admission number according to the admission criteria above. Continuing interest list. A continuing interest list of children whose parents have expressed an interest in obtaining a Foundation 2 place at the school will be maintained until the end of August. This will include both late and on-time applicants. Priority on the list will be given in accordance with the published criteria and does not take into account how long the child has been on the list, or whether an appeal has been submitted. Each added child requires the list to be ranked again in line with the published criteria. The Authority will contact parents directly if a place becomes available for their child.
In Year Applications
Applications must be made on a common Primary School Transfer form stating up to three school preferences, directly to the Mainstream Admissions Team, stating the reasons why a transfer is being requested. Applications will be dealt with as set out in the Wirral Co-ordinated Scheme for Admissions.
Infant Class Size Limit
It is the duty of the Governing Body of schools to comply with regulations on class size limits at Foundation 2 and Key Stage 1, where classes are limited to 30 children. There are a limited number of exceptions which are set out in the School Admissions Code and in the Wirral Co-ordinated Scheme for Admissions.
All parents will be informed of the school place allocated by the Local Authority. The notification will also inform the parent of the right to appeal and who to contact to make an appeal, which is to an Independent Appeal Panel. Parents should submit an appeal in writing within 20 working days of receipt of notification of the outcome of their application.
Nursery Admissions (Foundation Stage 1)
Applications must be made directly to the school. If there are not enough places for all children who have applied, the school will give priority in the following order:
a) Children with a particular medical reason for going to the school
b) Children who live in the catchment area of another school which does not have a nursery class
c) Children who live in the catchment area of the school or another school which does have a nursery class
Catchment zones
Parents are advised to always include their zoned school as one of their preferences. A catchment area finder using the street name is available on the Council’s website here.
Please note that a place in your catchment school cannot be absolutely guaranteed
Looked after children
A looked after child is a child who is:
a) in the care of a Local Authority, or
b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their Social Services functions under section 22 (1) of the Children Act 1989.
A previously Looked After child is one who immediately moved on from that status after becoming subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.
c) Siblings. A sibling is a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step-brother or sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, where they are living in the same family unit/household at the same address. If there are more children with older brothers or sisters at the same school than there are places available, we will give priority to children with the youngest brothers or sisters at the school. Where there is more than one child with a sibling in the same year group, priority will be given to those children who live nearest to the school.
Home address
This must be the child’s permanent home address where he/she lives with a person of parental responsibility as the main carer as defined by the Children Act 1989. Applicants must not give the address of a business, relative, childminder, friend, a temporary address or an address to which they hope to move. The home address must not be where parents have taken out a short term let on a property solely to use the address on the application form without any intention of taking up permanent residence there. Arrangements where parents leave and collect children from another relative or carer on a daily basis will be regarded as childcare arrangements, and the child will not be deemed to be ‘ordinary resident’ with that person. Proof of residence may be requested which may include: a solicitor’s letter confirming completion date of a sale, a signed rental agreement showing the start and duration of the tenancy and may include proof of sale of a previous property, copies of Council Tax and utility bills relevant to the property may also be requested. The information provided may be shared with other Departments of the Council in order to verify the authenticity of pupil’s addresses.