SEND Policy on One Page
Our SEND Policy on One Page at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Stage 1 - Every pupil at Woodslee, receives High Quality Teaching to support the development of their learning.
- Co-op Academy Woodslee offers a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum to all pupils.
- Class teachers are responsible for ensuring Stage 1 is delivered and adjusted as necessary, to suit the needs of the children in their class.
- Pupils are assessed in different ways as they move through the school, to ensure they are making progress and building upon prior knowledge.
If parents have concerns they should initially speak to the class teacher. Teachers will consider whether additional intervention is necessary - using their assessments and with support from the SENDCo.
Stage 2 - Some pupils may receive this level of support to develop their learning.
- If a child is not making appropriate progress or achieving age related expectations despite some modifications at Wave 1, they may need specific intervention that is time limited to overcome their barriers to learning.
- We may ask parents to meet with the class teacher and SENDCO to decide upon a plan of action. They may not need to be added to our SEND Register at Wave 2.
Information will be gathered from parent, class teacher and SENDCo and, where appropriate, advice will be sought with other agencies.
Stage 3 - A few pupils may receive this level of support to develop their learning
A One Page Profile/Pupil Passport will be devised using input from the class teacher, parent / carer and child. The plan will include:-
- This plan will share what people appreciate about your child, what is important and what your child would like to support them.
- The needs that have been identified.
- The support your child will receive from school and may also give advice about how parents/ carers can help.
- The intended progress or outcomes for your child.
This plan will be reviewed regularly and progress will be tracked by the SENDCo, as well as class teacher and shared with parents/ carers at key points in the academic year.
Children receiving Stage 3 support will be added to our SEND Register.
If the outcomes of the plan have not been achieved, then the SENDCo will arrange a meeting with parents and class teacher to discuss potential Stage 4 provision.