News and Letters
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Week Ahead 03-02-25
Published 02/02/25Here’s your weekly guide for what’s on this coming week
A quick reminder - EYFS is nursery and reception, KS1 is year 1 and 2, KS2 is years 3,4,5 & 6
Children in Birch class can join their mainstream class for PE lessons, so please send them in their PE kit on their year group’s day. Baby Birch will do outdoor activities on a Monday afternoon
Children’s Mental Health Week
Monday 3rd February
Community shop open 8:30-9am
Year 5 PE - please wear PE kit to school
Bruno our therapy dog visiting 1:30-2:30pm
Community library open 3-4pm
Community shop open 3-3:45pm
Tuesday 4th February
Violin lessons for year 4 9-10am
Piano lessons all morning
Gym Juniors session - Year 3 & 4. Please wear PE kit to school.
Year 6 PE -please wear PE kit to school.
Year 6 booster club
Wednesday 5th February
Community shop open 8:30-9am
F2 weight, height, visual and audio check 9-12am
Karate for years 2,4,6 and Birch. Wear uniform.
Community shop open 3-3:45pm
Thursday 6th February
Time To Talk Day - activities throughout the day
Piano lessons all day
Rocksteady practice 1-3pm
EYFS stay and play 2:30pm
Year 1 & 2 PE - please wear PE kit to school.
Friday 7th February
Wear your scarf day - come to school wearing a scarf
NSPCC numbers day - number activities throughout the day.
Spelling Bee trip to Manchester
Community shop open 8:30-9am
Piano lessons all morning
Singing assembly 11-11:30am
F2 PE - please wear PE kit to school
Trampolining reward trip 12:30-2:30pm
Community shop open 3-3:45pm
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Weekly Newsletter 31-01-25
Published 31/01/25Rewards
Congratulations to our shining stars this week. As always, our golden ticket winners will receive privileges throughout the week of having their lunch first, wearing their golden sash to highlight their excellence across the four Co-op values and as a treat, go trampolining on Friday afternoon.
We’ve had a lovely afternoon at Propulsion with our new friends from Co-op Academy Hillside and Co-op Academy Portland
It was the first time that all three primaries have been together! Great fun was had by all
Please click the link to view our updates and photos shared on our FB page
Noodles, fortunes, and fun: A Chinese New Year Feast to Remember!
"A big thank you to Hannah, Mandi, and Sandra for preparing a delicious Chinese banquet for our Chinese New Year lunch 🇨🇳🐒🍜🥠🥡🥢. The children loved their noodles and had fun reading their fortune cookies 🥠.
Today we also said our goodbyes and good lucks to our assistant cook Mandi
Everyone in our Woodslee family wishes you all the very best and please come see us soon
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Staff Sergeant Chris Diamond Brings a Wildcat MK1 to Our Academy!
A huge thank you to Staff Sergeant Chris Diamond from the Army Air Corps for flying in today from Yeovil aboard a Wildcat MK1 to visit our children! 🚁
F1’s Chinese New Year Fun: Noodle Bar Sensory Play and Mark-Making!
Our F1 children were so lucky today! 🥹🤗 Miss Tappin set up a fantastic noodle bar sensory tray and Chinese New Year mark-making activities for them. Stay tuned for more photos throughout the week! 🧧🥢🥡
Wishing our star Miss Rutherford a very happy birthday!
Year 5’s Creative Afternoon: Stunning Mono Prints in the Making 🖤
Year 5 had a creative afternoon on Friday, making stunning mono prints using carbon paper 🖤 Great job, everyone! 🖤
Community News
Ride and Rant
Support our “Ride and Rant” for Wirral Mind!
This Time to Talk Day, Co-op Academy Woodslee, Portland and Hillside are going all out to support mental health awareness with our “Ride and Rant” spinathon!
On Saturday, 8th February, a group of staff will be cycling non-stop for 6 hours at Bidston Sports and Activity Centre to raise funds for Wirral Mind, an incredible charity supporting mental health in our local community.
The event kicks off with spin classes led by our fabulous school staff, followed by a team effort to keep the wheels turning. Together, we’ll tag-team to ensure at least one bike is spinning at all times and tally up our miles to see how far we can go.
Exercise is a fantastic way to boost mental wellbeing, and this event is all about getting people moving, talking and supporting a cause that makes a real difference.
Please donate to help us reach our goal and support Wirral Mind in their vital work. Every pound raised will help provide mental health resources and support to those who need it most.
Let’s cycle, chat, and make a difference together. Thank you for your generosity!
Here is the link:
Two Amazing Boys Lead the Way with a Litter Pick!
These two amazing boys wanted to show they care by going on a litter pick. We are very, very proud of them
Dates for your Diary
Thurs 6th - Time to Talk Day
Friday 7th- school Spinathon
Saturday 8th- Staff Spinathon (donations to Wirral Mind via Go Fund me)
Friday 14th- school closes for half term
Monday 24th- school reopens
Thursday 6th- World Book Day
Friday 25th- World Down Syndrome Awareness day .Further information in the letter attached at the bottom.
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Woodslee, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
95% Year 2
90.91% Year 3
99.13% Year 4
92.73% Year 5
90% Year 6
92.86% "Congratulations to Year 3 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
If your child is absent from school, you must inform the school office by 9am of the reason for absence.
The school office now opens at 8:20am and closes at 3:45pm.
A reminder we are a nut free school!
Another fabulous opportunity to join our Woodslee family. We have a casual minibus driver job vacancy across all three primaries, would this be something you’re interested in?
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Published 29/01/25 - Read More
Weekly Newsletter 24-01-25
Published 24/01/25Pupil Parliament: Leading the Way in Our School and Community!
Our Pupil Parliament members take trips around our local community, organize special events at school, and are hard at work planning Children’s Mental Health Week in February. They’re all true superstars!
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Year 2's Money Magic: Adding Coins and Loving Learning!
In Year 2, we’re diving into learning all about money! 💰 The children have been practicing their addition skills by adding coins together to reach a total sum. Miss Fletcher was so impressed by their enthusiasm and love for learning today! Well done, Year 2! 🤩🤗
Maths Superstar: Surveying Flavours and Creating Pictograms
This little superstar worked incredibly hard in her Maths lesson this morning! She conducted a survey to discover her classmates' favourite ice cream flavours and then presented her data in a pictogram. Miss Bostock is beyond proud! 👏🏻🍦
English Star: Crafting Sentences Like a Pro!
Miss Bostock and the entire Birch team were absolutely blown away by this young man’s incredible effort in English this morning. He wrote some fantastic sentences using fronted adverbials! ✍🏼
“Below the sea, the monsters lurked, waiting for Arthur to let his guard down so they could strike.” Wow!!! Roald Dahl, eat your heart out! 👏🏻⭐️💙
Community News
Coming up next week! Everyone welcome
Ride and Rant
Support our “Ride and Rant” for Wirral Mind!
This Time to Talk Day, Co-op Academy Woodslee, Portland and Hillside are going all out to support mental health awareness with our “Ride and Rant” spinathon!
On Saturday, 8th February, a group of staff will be cycling non-stop for 6 hours at Bidston Sports and Activity Centre to raise funds for Wirral Mind, an incredible charity supporting mental health in our local community.
The event kicks off with spin classes led by our fabulous school staff, followed by a team effort to keep the wheels turning. Together, we’ll tag-team to ensure at least one bike is spinning at all times and tally up our miles to see how far we can go.
Exercise is a fantastic way to boost mental wellbeing, and this event is all about getting people moving, talking and supporting a cause that makes a real difference.
Please donate to help us reach our goal and support Wirral Mind in their vital work. Every pound raised will help provide mental health resources and support to those who need it most.
Let’s cycle, chat, and make a difference together. Thank you for your generosity!
Here is the link:
Dates for your Diary
20th & 21st Jan - Bikeability for Year 6
24th - Year 6 cake sale 3pm
From 22nd to 29th Jan - Bikeability Year 5 Please speak with the School Office if you need to know the schedule for your child.
29th - Chinese New Year themed lunch
Thursday 6th- World Book Day
Friday 25th- World Down Syndrome Awareness day
Thurs 6th - Time to Talk Day
Friday 7th- school Spinathon
Saturday 8th- Staff Spinathon (donations to Wirral Mind via Go Fund me)
Friday 14th- school closes for half term
Monday 24th- school reopens
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Woodslee, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
94.07% Year 2
90% Year 3
86.96% Year 4
96.36% Year 5
91.08% Year 6
96.86% "Congratulations to Year 6 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
Come and join our team at Co-op Academy Woodslee as Assistant Cook:
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Weekly Newsletter 17-01-25
Published 17/01/25Reward News
Congratulations to our shining stars this week. As always, our golden ticket winners will receive privileges throughout the week of having their lunch first, wearing their golden sash to highlight their excellence across the four Co-op values and as a treat, go trampolining on Friday afternoon.
Please click the link to view our updates and photos shared on our FB page
A message from our Regional Director
We’re delighted to share the news that our Executive Headteacher, Ms Katy Bergman, has been appointed as Executive Headteacher for Co-op Academy Portland starting with immediate effect.
In her new role, Katy will be sharing her expertise across three Trust primary schools on the Wirral, Co-op Academy Woodslee, Co-op Academy Hillside and Co-op Academy Portland. We want to reassure you that this change will allow Katy to increase her involvement in our school community. Also, we are thrilled to announce that Leanne McGowan has been appointed as our Deputy Headteacher. Leanne has a wealth of experience in SEND & Inclusion, curriculum and school improvement. We look forward to her working in partnership with Julia Haggett to drive whole academy improvement. We are confident this will be a fantastic opportunity for all and look forward to our three Wirral schools working in partnership with Katy as Executive Headteacher.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Ms Bergman directly via or contact the office on 0151 334 1406.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Brice
Regional Director: Merseyside and Salford
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Year 5 are doing an excellent job mastering fractions in this morning's Maths lesson 🧮 Keep up the great work!
Someone is definitely excited that it’s Friday! 😁😆 That smile is absolutely contagious! 😆😁
Community News
We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming sponsored Spin-a-thon in support of our friends at Mind Wirral! On Friday, February 7th, our pupils will take part in a special cycling event, and on Saturday, February 8th, staff from all three Co-op academies will join in for the Spin-a-thon challenge! Stay tuned for more details!
#ExcitingTimesAhead #HillyWoodLandOur Scholastic Book Fair is returning from Monday, March 17th to Friday, March 21st! We’d love for you to come and join us!
Click the link for free reading resources from your favourite authors
Our family partnership leaders will be working hard across our communities to continue to strengthen partnerships with our families.
Keep a look out for our Co-op drop in sessions with Claire & Michelle
Dates for your Diary
20th & 21st Jan - Bikeability for Year 6
24th - Year 6 cake sale 3pm
From 22nd to 29th Jan - Bikeability Year 5 Please speak with the School Office if you need to know the schedule for your child.
29th - Chinese New Year themed lunch
Week of 3rd - Children's mental health week
7th - Spin-a thon for pupils
8th - Spin-a-thon for staff
12th - School disco
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Hillside, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
93.48% Year 2
92.86% Year 3
Year 4
95.56% Year 5
98.67% Year 6
91.79% "Congratulations to Year 5 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
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Reception places still available!
Published 13/01/25Reception places still available
If you’d like to have a look around school or you need help with your admissions paperwork please call us on 0151 3341406 or pop in and speak to our office team, we are happy to help.
Find out how to apply -
#ItsWhatWeDo #SucceedTogether #TheCoopWay - Read More
Weekly Newsletter 10-01-25
Published 10/01/25Welcome Back!
We hope you had a joyful Christmas and a fantastic New Year! While the start to this term didn’t go as planned thanks to the weather, we're excited for the adventures ahead and can't wait to be together again!
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Many of our pupils have been making the most of the snowy weather this week, enjoying fun-filled moments building snowmen, having snowball fights, and embracing the winter wonderland. We have loved seeing all your pictures!
We'd also like to extend a huge thank you to our wonderful staff member, George, for his dedicated work behind the scenes in keeping our site safe, and to Mrs. Haggett and Miss Rutherford for their early morning site checks at 6am. Your efforts are truly appreciated!
Community News
Local Events
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Weekly Newsletter 20-12-24
Published 20/12/24Message from Head of School
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support throughout this year. It has been a privilege to witness the growth and achievements of your children, and we are proud of the wonderful community we have here at Co-op Academy Woodslee.
On behalf of all the staff, I would like to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas filled with happiness and cherished memories for you all.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday, 6th January, at 8:40am to begin another exciting term together. Until then, have a safe and restful holiday.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs Julia Haggett
A huge thank you to all our wonderful parents who joined us for this week’s Christmas performances! A big shout-out to our dedicated staff who put in so much effort to support and bring these shows to life. But most importantly, thank you to our incredible children. They’ve worked tirelessly to learn their songs, master their lines, and perform with such confidence and joy. We are so proud of each and every one of you! ⭐️
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
Christmas Magic Arrives at Woodslee!
This week has been filled with festive fun at Woodslee! 🎄 Our KS1 Nativity brought holiday cheer to the stage, while KS2 wowed us with their amazing Christmas Extravaganza. We also had some incredible performances in Hillywood's Got Talent, showcasing our students' creativity and spirit. To top it all off, our Christmas Party Day was a huge hit, with a very special guest – Santa himself! 🎅 What a week of joy and celebration! 🎉
Huge congratulations to Miss Gee on achieving a distinction in your Level 3 Teaching Assistant apprenticeship! 🤩🎉 We are all incredibly proud of your hard work and dedication – well done! 🤩👏
This half term, Year 4 have been exploring the exciting world of volcanoes in Geography! 🌋 For their homework task, Mr. Prescott challenged the children to create their own erupting volcanoes, and wow – the results are truly masterpieces! Well done, Year 4 – your creativity and effort have been amazing! 🌋🎉
Community News
What an incredibly special community we have here at Woodslee! 🤩🥰 We are truly humbled by the amazing support from St Barnabas Church, Co-op Allport Road, Kangaroo, and our wonderful new community pioneer, Melanie, who have all helped make this Christmas brighter for our families. 🎅🏼 Miss Rutherford and Steven were out delivering hampers filled with festive cheer to our families this week! 🎁 Please join us in spreading kindness as you receive your hamper and gifts. Thank you for being part of this beautiful Christmas spirit!
Dates for your Diary
Friday 20th December - School closes for Christmas
Monday 6th January - School returns after Christmas break
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Hillside, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
90.6% Year 2
88.89% Year 3
Year 4
92.18% Year 5
90.2% Year 6
89.49% "Congratulations to Year 4 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
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Weekly Newsletter 13-12-24
Published 14/12/24Rewards news
Here are a few snaps from our magical trip to the Gladstone Theatre to see Cinderella 🎭 A huge thank you for the exclusive viewing! The children (and adults too!) had a fantastic afternoon, singing, laughing, and even dancing in the aisles. Apologies for the lack of photos—we were too busy having the best time! 🤩
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
A Delicious Tradition: Christmas Dinner at Our School
Yesterday, our entire academy came together to enjoy a festive Christmas dinner 🥘! A huge thank you to our fantastic kitchen team for their hard work in serving the children a delicious holiday feast! 🎅🏼🍗 It truly was a wonderful way to celebrate the season!
Exploring Science and Fun: Year 3's Exciting Trip to Eureka
Year 3 had an unforgettable day at the Eureka Science and Discovery Centre 🧪🥼🧬⚗️! Miss Doyle was incredibly impressed with their outstanding behaviour – they truly set the bar high! We’re absolutely thrilled you had such a fun and exciting experience, Year 3.
Community News
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 🎅🏼🎄 As our gift to you, we’re excited to announce that raffle tickets are now on sale! 🎄🎅🏼 Just £1 a strip, with some truly amazing prizes up for grabs! Good luck to everyone, and may the holiday spirit be with you! 🎅🏼🎄✨
The Woodslee Express was a hit once again on Thursday night, spreading holiday cheer! 🎅🏼🎄
Dates for your Diary
Whats on this week?
Sun 15th - Year 5 Christmas Performance at St Barnabas Chuch 4.30 - 5.30pm
Mon 16th - Year 5 Christmas Performance to parents 9.15 - 10.15 am
Tues 17th- KS1 Nativity 9.15 - 10.15 am
Wed 18th - KS1 Nativity 2- 3pm
Tues 17th - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Christmas Performance 2-3 pm
Thurs 19th - Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Christmas Performance 9.30 - 10.30 am
Thurs 19th - EYFS Stay and Play 2 - 3.15pm
Fri 20th - Christmas party day. Children are welcome to bring a snack plate of food to eat during the day.
Monday 6th January - School returns after Christmas break
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Hillside, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
Year 2
96.19% Year 3
97.5% Year 4
96.44% Year 5
97.33% Year 6
95% "Congratulations to Year 3 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
If your child is absent from school, you must inform the school office by 9am of the reason for absence.
Staff car park is NOT to be used to drop children off at Breakfast Club. This is a health and safety hazard.
Year 4 put on an incredible performance this morning, showcasing their progress in their weekly violin lessons for their parents! 🎻✨ They’re all doing an amazing job, and we hope you loved hearing their beautiful music! 🎶👏
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Weekly Newsletter 06-12-24
Published 06/12/24Rewards news
Congratulations to our golden ticket winners. You’ve all worked so hard to achieve your awards. Enjoy going trampolining on Friday afternoon.
This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee
When the Grinch Met Elf: A Magical Holiday Visit to Our School
What a way to begin our festivities. On Monday, we welcomed the Grinch and his naughty elf . The children all had the opportunity to visit the GRIIIIINCH! in his grotto. What a morning of fun for everyone!
Year 3 has been having a blast with similes this morning in English! 🤩🙌🏼 You all did an amazing job creating some dazzling sentences that really sparkle! ✨ Keep up the awesome work, simile superstars! 🌟📚
Community News
A huge congratulations to our SUPERSTAR, Miss Tappin! 🌟🎉 She has won a prestigious award from the Co-op Academies Trust for her outstanding care and dedication. 💖 Miss Rutherford was absolutely thrilled to present this well-deserved award to Miss Tappin this morning! 🙌🏼👏🏼 Let's all celebrate this amazing achievement! 🎊✨
Our trips so far on the Woodslee Express was an absolute HIT! 🎉🎅🏼🚌 The kids have had a blast singing along to our awesome playlist as we cruised from the Home Alone house all the way to the North Pole! 🎶❄️ We’ve had the best time! Get ready for more adventure 🚌🎅🏼🎉
Dates for your Diary
Monday 6th January - School returns after Christmas break
Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Hillside, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.
Year 1
Year 2
93.79% Year 3
92.27% Year 4
93.6% Year 5
88.89% Year 6
92.7% "Congratulations to Year 1 for the highest attendance this week!"
How can I improve my children’s attendance?
Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses.
Promote good hand hygiene with your children.
Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family.
Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential
If your child is absent from school, you must inform the school office by 9am of the reason for absence.
Staff car park is NOT to be used to drop children off at Breakfast Club. This is a health and safety hazard.
Fresh bread, potatoes and vegetables delivery in the school office. Come and help yourself!
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Weekly Newsletter 29 Nov 24
Published 28/11/24Welcome to this week's newsletter
The first one in our new format, and we hope that you love it. Even better, you can now use the map button at the top right of the page to translate.